Census is a systematic collection of demographic, social, and economic data of a population at a given time.
It provides information on the size, distribution, and characteristics of a population.
It is a decennial exercise, conducted by the Registrar General of India and Census Commissioner, under the Home Ministry. It is conducted under the provisions of Census Act, 1948.
The first Census was conducted in 1881, by W.C. Plowden, Census Commissioner of India.
The population census is a Union subject under Article 246 of India Constitution.
Union list (7th Schedule)- Entry 69.
Census is important as welfare schemes such as NFSA and PDS depend on population estimates. The census data is also used as a frame for various sample surveys, apart from revealing several features of Indian population, such as literacy levels, caste status, spoken languages, occupation, migration status etc.
It conducted in two phases– House listing, and Population enumeration