Ajit Pawar has splintered away from the NCP and joined the BJP. He was sworn in as the second Deputy Chief Minister in the Council led by Eknath Shinde.
Ajit Pawar has splintered away from the NCP and joined the BJP. He was sworn in as the second Deputy Chief Minister in the Council led by Eknath Shinde (a disqualification petition against him under the anti-defection law is yet to be decided by the Maharashtra speaker).
• The 10th Schedule of the Indian Constitution popularly referred to as the ‘Anti-Defection Law’ was inserted by the 52nd Amendment (1985) to the Constitution.
• 'Defection’ has been defined as, “To abandon a position or association, often to join an opposing group”.
• The decision on disqualification questions on the ground of defection is referred to the Speaker or the Chairman of the House, and his/her decision is final.
• However, where two-thirds of the legislators of a political party decide to merge into another party, they would not face disqualification.
• There is no time limit as per the law within which the Presiding Officers should decide on a plea for disqualification.