The Tamil Nadu government wrote to the Cauvery Water Management Authority seeking direction to the neighboring State to release its share for the month.
The Tamil Nadu government wrote to the Cauvery Water Management Authority seeking direction to the neighboring State to release its share for the month.
• The Cauvery Water dispute- The 150 year old dispute involves Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka and Puducherry.
• From 1974, Karnataka started diverting water into its newly made reservoirs, without the consent of Tamil Nadu resulting in a dispute.
• In 2018, the Supreme Court declared the Cauvery a national asset and reduced the allocation of water from Karnataka to Tamil Nadu.
• As per its direction, the central government notified the ‘Cauvery Water Management Scheme’ in June 2018, constituting the ‘Cauvery Water Management Authority’ and the ‘Cauvery Water Regulation Committee’ to give effect to the decision.
• Mekedatu Reservoir Project:
It aims to store and supply water for drinking purposes for the Bengaluru city.
• In 2018, Tamil Nadu approached the SC against the project even if Karnataka had held that it would not affect the flow of water to Tamil Nadu.
• Tamil Nadu government said that it would block the efforts to construct a dam across Cauvery at Mekedatu when it comes for hearing in the Court.