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India signed the Artemis Accord

India signed the Artemis Accord

24-06-2023 By Admin

Mr. Modi, on his state visit to the U.S, signed the Artemis Accord which is a compact of 27 countries. Promoted by the U.S. it envisages a manned mission to the moon by 2025.

India signed the Artemis Accord

Mr. Modi, on his state visit to the U.S, signed the Artemis Accord which is a compact of 27 countries. Promoted by the U.S. it envisages a manned mission to the moon by 2025.

• The Artemis Accords are a non-binding set of principles designed to guide civil space exploration and use in the 21st century. • It is named after Artemis- the Goddess of the Moon, who is the twin sister of Apollo from Greek mythology.