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India logged 31 million new diabetes patients in 2019-21

India logged 31 million new diabetes patients in 2019-21

10-06-2023 By Admin

Madras Diabetes Research Foundation, in collaboration with the ICMR and Union Health Ministry, released "one of the first comprehensive studies covering all States of India" to access the non-communicable disease burden in the country.

India logged 31 million new diabetes patients in 2019-21

Madras Diabetes Research Foundation, in collaboration with the ICMR and Union Health Ministry, released "one of the first comprehensive studies covering all States of India" to access the non-communicable disease burden in the country.

The highest prevalence was found in Goa (26.4%), Puducherry and Kerala (25%). These figures are likely shoot up in rural areas in the next five years even though prevalence is low there.

The prevalence of diabetes in India stands at 11.4%, 15.3 % for pre-diabetes, while 35.5% of Indians suffer from hypertension; abdominal obesity stands at 40% across the population and female abdominal obesity is 50%.

In the last four years, India has added substantially to its burden of diabetics, pre-diabetics, hypersensitive and persons with generalized and abdominal obesity which predisposes them to NCDs and life altering medical conditions.

Availability of surplus food, overexposure to fast food, lack of sleep, reduced exercise and stress are some of the main factors driving up the number of these lifestyle related NCDs. This can be clearly seen in the number of Indians suffering from hypercholestrolemia- 24%.

The study shows that there are serious implications which need governmental attention. State-specific policies and interventions are warranted to arrest the rapidly rising epidemic of metabolic NCDs in India.